Planning for the future

We have a strong vision to provide high quality care and education in a happy and stimulating environment. We want children to thrive, be confident and motivated to learn.

Artboard 7

 The team consists of the following personnel

Sally Eaton

Sally Eaton – B.ED, FRSA
The Owner and Educational Director


Joanne Poole – B.A Hons
Level 6 Childcare 
Head of Nursery


Ashlyn Louvieris – B.A Hons 
Level 3 Childcare

Nursery Business Manager



At Wellingtons for Langley Hall, we are dedicated to providing outstanding care and educational opportunities. Our team of 62 staff members includes a Head of Nursery, Deputy Head of Nursery, Business Manager, and 3 Year Group Coordinators, each responsible for overseeing one of our age groups.

We also employ specialist teachers for French, Gym, Dance, Drama, Music, and Swimming. Continuing professional development is a cornerstone of our approach. Our Head of Nursery holds a B.A. Hons qualification, one staff member holds a Level 6 degree, 22 hold Level 3 qualifications, and 7 hold Level 2 qualifications, with 4 of them actively working towards Level 3.

We also have 10 apprentices pursuing their Level 3 qualifications Level 3. Additionally, 7 staff members are furthering their skills through the Level 5 Senior Practitioner qualification.


The nursery now features seven themed playrooms designed to create a warm and engaging environment for our children: Peter Rabbit for the babies, Winnie the Pooh and The Hungry Caterpillar for 1-2-year-olds, Paddington Bear and Tick Tock Croc for 2-3-year-olds, and Peter Pan and Captain Hook for our pre-schoolers. Of these, four playrooms are located on the first floor, while three are situated on the second floor, ensuring ample space for each age group.

We are delighted to be celebrating our 12th year of operation, and we are proud to say that Wellingtons for Langley Hall is in the best position it has ever been. Our management team, comprising our Manager, Deputy Manager, and Business Manager, has cultivated a vibrant and supportive working environment. This strong, dedicated leadership ensures that all staff members feel equally valued and supported, contributing significantly to the nursery's overall success and stability.

In addition to our playrooms, the nursery includes a range of facilities designed to enhance the children's learning and development. We have a ground-floor soft play area and a sensory room on the second floor, both accessible to all age groups. These spaces are particularly beneficial for children with additional needs. Our large hall, equipped with advanced sound and lighting technology, is used for various activities, games, and performances, providing a dynamic environment for physical play and creative expression.

Our outdoor spaces are a highlight of our nursery. We have a spacious outdoor area equipped with a sandpit, growing boxes, playhouses, a construction and pulley area, a water wall, a Magical Maths area, a Creation Station for creativity and mark-making, Imagination Stations for small world play, a Minibeast Garden, a popular Mud Kitchen, a Story Corner, and a Sound Studio for experimenting with sound.

There are also stage and painted road markings for children to follow on their bikes and scooters. Every class enjoys outdoor play twice a day, and we provide spare wellington boots and waterproof suits to ensure that children can play outside in all weathers. The baby room has its own separate garden, accessed directly from the room, complete with growing boxes, a sand and water tray, and an adjoining sleep room to ensure a peaceful rest environment. The door is regularly left open to allow fresh air to circulate.

This year, we undertook a significant renovation of our nursery garden, thanks to successful fundraising efforts. The garden now includes a new water feature, fresh plants, a vegetable garden, a sensory path, a den, and new outdoor equipment, further enriching our children’s outdoor learning experience.

Our commitment to high standards extends to our catering services. Our in-house chef prepares nutritious meals daily, earning us an NHS Smiling for Life Gold Award. In March 2022, we retained our 5-star Food Hygiene rating following an inspection by Environmental Health for the 6th year in a row, demonstrating our continued commitment to excellence.

As we move forward into the new academic year, we remain dedicated to placing children at the heart of every decision we make. We are proud of the positive impact we have on our children, families, and the local community, and we are committed to ensuring that every child at Wellingtons for Langley Hall truly shines.

Key priorities

Overall Effectiveness
  • To teach all staff that having the right attitude towards their work is important to us.
  • Staff recruitment processes to be reviewed and a basic skills test included. 
  • To employ, retain and up skill staff so that they all have the right attitude towards their work and have the ability to think and react appropriately in all situations, playing an active part in nursery development and improvement.
The Quality of Education
  • To involve all staff in setting up well-resourced child-centred high quality provision indoors and outdoors and to raise focus on Communication and Language and Physical Development provision to improve engagement and outcomes for all children in all age groups.
  • Communication and Language to remain a focus with effective use of Talking Bags, Small World Provision and Key Worker Groups daily.
  • Raise focus on Physical Development in rooms demonstrating opportunities for gross motor movements.
  • To ensure that all staff demonstrate strong engagement with children to support learning through play and speech and language outcomes.
Behaviour and Attitudes
  • To ensure that expectations for behaviour are met consistently by all staff, encouraging the use of positive reinforcement.
  • To review, implement and monitor our new Behaviour Management policy, providing staff with training and support.
  • To provide children with enabling and challenging learning environments.
  • All staff to maintain a positive attitude when dealing with challenging behaviour.
Personal Development
  • Staff at all levels to know their children and plan effectively for challenge at all levels.
  • Staff to ensure that children are challenged at Greater Depth and that rooms reflect this understanding – Deputy Managers and SLT to monitor and train.
  • To provide further training for staff and new staff to enable them to support children with their development and needs in the most effective way.
  • Update training to support staff in their response time, ensuring a high level of vigilance at all times.
  • All Deputy Managers and Room Leaders taking responsibility for reporting electronically using CPOMS – in a timely accurate way.
  • Ensure that the Vulnerable Children Register is an organic process and staff update this regularly.
  • To ensure specific information is shared with new staff (or covering staff) to ensure consistency of approach – in particular for our children with complex needs.
  • More time to be allocated for Room Leaders to spend with children moving up to facilitate smoother transitions.
  • Handover meetings to be held between current and new room leaders to discuss all relevant information in person.
  • A deadline to be set for transition reports to be completed.
Leadership & Management
  • To inspire, motivate and enthuse Room Leaders to give them confidence to lead their teams and organise their rooms effectively.
  • To plan initiatives to improve staff absence levels, focusing on staff wellbeing and creating a policy for this as well as appointing a Staff Wellbeing Lead.
  • To further support training at all levels so that staff who are less confident make good improvements and those with good skills develop on to leadership.
